Expand your movement and flexibility with GYROTONIC ® Expansion System
MatWorkz offers one of the area’s only GYROTONIC ® studios, bringing the performance and healing properties of the Gyrotonic method exercise program to the Central Florida community.
The GYROTONIC ® Expansion System was created by Juliu Horvath. This unique approach to fitness promotes greater ease of motion, enhances strength and good overall health. As a professional dancer, Horvath sustained injuries that inspired him to study and develop a solution to promote his own healing. As a result of finding personal success with his method, he adopted these techniques into a program that anyone can perform for better fitness, flexibility and increased range of motion.
Gyrotonic ® is based on the name itself, “gyro” (meaning “spiral”) and “tonic” (meaning “makes you feel better”). The method is based on simple principles:
- Joints perform and sustain themselves longer if they are put through many ranges of motion,
- Breath is our life force, and stagnant energy in our bodies can create disease.
This harmonious system incorporates specific exercises and breathing patterns paired together to build coordination and aerobic strength through arching/curling, spiraling, side arching, and “waving” and circular movements. GYROTONIC® studios have specific equipment to achieve these ends. MatWorkz has two of these specialized pieces: the tower pulley and the gyrotonic jumping-stretching board. Each piece allows for unique yet consistent ways to achieve strength and flexibility with a GYROTONIC® exercise program.
The GYROTONIC® Jumping Stretching Board
This specialized piece of GYROTONIC® equipment allowed you to deepen your movement.
The Jumping-Stretching Board exercise sequences and movement patterns are composed of full body, functional exercises. There are performed in a variety of body positions- kneeling, standing, lying and sitting.
A broad range of exercise sequences and options make the Jumping-Stretching Board accessible to people of all levels of balance, strength and flexibility.
A diverse range of standing exercises improve flexibility, coordination, and functional strength. The gliding horizontal plane, with both the spine and pelvis fully supported, make it perfect for use in post-injury exercises. Independent gliding slider and optional rotating platforms provide a variety of challenging strength and coordination sequences our certified Gyrotonic Trainers can take you through
The GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower
This is the most widely used piece of GYROTONIC® Equipment by trainers, coaches and therapists.. It provides smooth even support via a weighted pulley systems
The design on the equipment sports the full and natural movement patten of the joints allowing for three dimensional, functional movement. As a consequence, this eliminates that sharp starts and stops where frequent injury occurs
What are the benefits of a regular GYROTONIC® practice?
- a healthier, more supple spine,
- increased range of motion,
- greater joint stability,
- improved agility and athletic performance,
- deep internal strength in the core muscles.
GYROKINESIS ® is the foundation of Juliu’s work, and was originally called “yoga for dancers.” GYROKINESIS ® is taught in a group setting and performed on a low stool and “lilly pad” (mat). The focus is on similar types of movements without the need for equipment. This absence of equipment feedback and guidance therefore makes participants in a GyroKinesis class more dependent on their own proprioception (sense of self-movement and body position) throughout the movement sequence.
The GYROKINESIS® Method is practiced in group or private classes under the instruction of a certified GYROKINESIS® Trainer.
Breathe and fluidity of motion are used to stimulate the organs and nervous system, oxygenate the body and expand the joint range of movement.
To learn more about GYROTONIC ® and GYROKINESIS ®, visit: www.gyrotonic.com
Discover the potential of your movement and flexibility with our unique GYROTONIC ® programs.

Pilates is based on the original teachings of founder Joseph Pilates. It focuses on six traditional principles: centering, concentration, control, flow and breath. Together, these principles help strengthen core muscles, improve awareness, increase stamina and reduce tension throughout the body.
In contrast, the GYROTONIC ® method developed by Juliu Horvath in the mid-1970s. This approach focuses on improving agility and strength through circular movements that help maximize range of motion. At its core, the GYROTONIC ® method hinges on four key principles: intention, stabilization, decompression and coordination. In someways GYROTONIC ® is more similar to yoga with its focus on breathing technique.
Read more about Pilates vs GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM